Core (Growth & Value) and Diversified
We believe that equity investing should be an integral part of an overall strategic asset allocation. Our experience is that investing in companies with superior operating and financial fundamentals, while paying special attention to valuation, will lead to meaningful capital appreciation over long periods of time. We believe these domestic and international investments can be accessed through our different equity strategies, most of which are managed through our relationships with “best of breed” highly respected money managers. The managers we choose are those who have outpaced their benchmarks for long periods of time and have established solid organizations and sound investment processes. These strategies include larger-capitalization growth, larger-capitalization value and diversified equity strategies which are unconstrained by style and market cap. Our goal is to allocate our clients’ core capital to equity strategies overseen by proven investment managers who have achieved success over the long term.
We generally recommend that clients allocate a portion of their liquid net worth to larger-capitalization growth, larger-capitalization value and other diversified equity investments.
Our larger-capitalization growth strategies invest in portfolios of some of the finest larger-capitalization growth companies domiciled both in the United States and overseas. These companies have typically grown their earnings at an average annual rate of 10% to 20%, and many generate a substantial part of their earnings from international operations.
Our larger-capitalization value strategy invests in portfolios of companies that are believed to be priced below fair value. Many such companies have low share prices to normalized earnings, current earnings below historical norms, a management plan to generate an earnings recovery that appears sound and, in some cases, high dividends.
Our diversified equity strategy provides our clients with prudent and convenient diversification in growth, value and core styles, large to small capitalization companies and domestic and internationally domiciled companies.