Your after-hours wealth management emergency phone number is 1-844-935-1200.
First Long Island Investors’ clients with assets of $5 million or more are invited to use our new after-hours emergency phone service – FLI-On-Call.
FLI-On-Call provides the peace of mind knowing that the service you count on from our team during regular business hours is available when you need it most – in a wealth management emergency.
- If you urgently need a document we are holding for you and cannot wait for our offices to open.
- If you’re concerned that your email account or personal information has been compromised and want to alert us and the firms holding your assets;
- If you need our urgent attention and assistance for any reason.
If it’s important to you, it’s important to us. Even after hours.
Please use this number when calling FLI-On-Call:
FLI-On-Call hours:
Monday-Friday, 6pm-10pm
Saturday/Sunday, 9am-9pm.
The service will also be available for holidays
as well as office closings due to snow emergencies, etc.
An FLI team member will assist in resolving your situation.
In the event of a non-emergency after hours, please send an email to your main FLI contact and he/she will follow-up the next business day.
During normal business hours, please continue to call our office at 516-935-1200.